JailBreaking your Ipod Touch 3rd generation - Instructables Picture of JailBreaking your Ipod Touch 3rd generation. TETHERED FOR 3rd GEN, NON TETHERED FOR FIRST AND SECOND GENS This Cristmas 2009 I ...
HOW TO JAILBREAK iPOD TOUCH 3rd, and 4th GENERATIONS ... 2010年11月24日 - 10 分鐘 - 上傳者:BeardsleyBrandon The new 4.2 and 4.2.1 jailbreak is out and it works on all devices! ... iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS (new ...
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Jailbreak iPod Touch 3.1.3 Firmware with RedSn0w 0.9.4 – iPhoneHeat Jailbreak iPod Touch OS 3.1.3. Guide to jailbreak iPod Touch 3.1.3. Jailbreak your iPod touch 3.1.3 firmware using RedSn0w 0.9.4. iPod Touch Jailbreaking w/ RedSn0w
Itouch 3 Jailbreak - 影片搜尋
Jailbreak 4.3.3 Untethered iPhone 4, 3GS, iPod touch Using Redsn0w [Tutorial] | Redmond Pie The iPhone Dev Team has released updated version of both Redsn0w and PwnageTool to jailbreak iOS 4.3.3 untethered using i0n1c’s untethered exploit. ... Download iOS 4.3.3 for iPhone 4, 3GS, iPad, iPod touch Download Redsn0w 0.9.6rc15 for Windows ...
Jailbreak 3.0 Para Windows: iPod Touch 1G, 2G & iPhone 1Gen, 3G. • iPhoneate - iNeate Este Jailbreak para Windows es para: iPhone 1Gen iPhone 3G iPod Touch 1G iPod Touch 2G. Nota : Si tu iPhone no es legal y necesitas liberalo para usarlo co ... VERRRGAA LA GENTE SI ES BRUTAAA :S PARA USAR ESTO TIENEN KE TENER INSTALADA ...
Jailbreak 3.1.2 iPhone & iPod Touch en Mac & Windows • iPhoneate - iNeate Tutorial para el jailbreak del iPhone, iPod Touch Esta guia sirve y es el mismo proceso para iPhone & iPod Touch Hola iPhoniatico, bueno pues ya tenem ... HOLA UNA PREGUNTA XFA… QUE NO ESTOY SEGURO…TENGO UN IPHONE 3G, LEGAL OSEA ...
6 Ways to Jailbreak an iPod Touch - wikiHow Method 6 of 6: iOS 4.3.3 and Older. 1. Backup Your iPod. Before you begin ...
JailBreaking your Ipod Touch 3rd generation - Instructables Picture of JailBreaking your Ipod Touch 3rd generation. TETHERED FOR 3rd GEN, NON TETHERED FOR FIRST AND ...